In the previous blog post, I shared some of my testimony. Our testimonies simply put are personal stories of how God has ransomed us to himself through the cross of Christ. From how we went from being spiritually dead to spiritually alive in Christ. It’s the most powerful weapon that we possess. In my testimony, I mentioned that even before my salvation, most of the people I knew identified as Christians and I even went to a church. Many Christians from the United States can relate to having easy access to the gospel virtually anywhere we go. We are very privileged to be considered a reached people group. What if I told you that there were many places in the world today that are considered unreached? You may not even know what unreached means, but you will know the meaning by the end of this and much more. People who are considered to be unreached are people who do not have access to a bible, a church, or someone who identifies themselves as a Christian. This is a top